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User Status Report

You can install the User Status Report from Install Templates under the System Report category to view login activity and other information for each user.

This report is only accessible to SYSAdmin.

User Status Report Features

In the User Status Report, there are two tabs available for review: User Analysis and Online Users.

User Analysis

At the top, you can view user activity data, including "login information", "tasks", "user status", "Two-step authentication status", "password information", etc.


1. Password Information records the last time a user changed their password. If the Change Password Every __ Days option is set in Security Settings, clicking on "Recent Password Change Date" will display the password expiration date under "Password Expiration Date".

2. Time-related records in the report, such as the Last Login Time, are based on the "UTC+0" time zone.

At the bottom of this tab, you can view the Login Frequency in the Past Year.

Online Users

You can view the number of users who are currently waiting or active, as well as the trend of online users over the past year.

Other Report Settings

Exporting and Embedding Reports

You can export the report as a PDF or print it. Additionally, you can embed the report on your website or share a link with others.

Style Settings

You can adjust the report’s style settings, including font, font size, boundaries, etc.

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